Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How to Improve Sore Throat?

Sore Throat
Grether’s pastilles

A sore throat can be uncomfortable and often signals an oncoming cold. While home remedies may help with some types of sore throat, it's important to note that medical treatment may be needed. A sore throat due to strep throat, for example, usually requires antibiotic treatment in order to prevent serious complications. In this article, we will discuss some tips that will help you feel better with sore throat -

1. Salt water gargle - This is considered to be one of the oldest home remedies and may help to alleviate pain, reduce swelling and breakdown mucus. A half teaspoon of salt dissolved in a warm cup of water will do the trick. This saline solution should be spit out after gargling and shouldn't be swallowed or reused. Gargling once an hour is sometimes recommended for a sore throat in cases of severe pain.

2. Rehydrate yourself - Drinking lots of fluids can be extremely beneficial in painful episodes of sore throat. Some people may find relief from drinking warm liquids, while others may prefer cold liquids, which can help soothe inflamed tissue. Avoid hot liquids, which may aggravate throat irritation. Adding 1 teaspoon of shredded ginger along with equal parts of honey and lime juice can also soothe itching and pain.

3. Use humidifiers - Sometimes dry air can aggravate sore throat and using warm or cool mist humidifiers can help by adding moisture back. However, for children, it is best to use cool mist humidifiers. You can also consider adjusting the thermostat since warmer air sometimes can also irritate sore throat.

4. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Therapies - You can use over-the-counter pain medications for a sore throat. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen tend to have the greatest effectiveness-to-safety ratio. An anaesthetic spray can also be used for children above three years of age and adults.
Similarly, medicated or numbing cough drops or throat lozenges like Grether’s pastilles can be used. These lozenges are also available in sugarfree variants like Grether’spastilles in blackcurrant flavour. 

Try these simple tips to get immediate relief from the symptoms of throat pain. Do you have a special tip that works for you every time? Let us know in the comments below. 

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